Wednesday, May 30, 2007

May 30th, 2007 - Wednesday

J is gone for the night so I am home alone, sick and bored.

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I feel like I have seen this picture somewhere before...hmmm...


Lan said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. There are 3 (may be more) yellow poincianas in the UM campus. One across the lake from student union. Walk past the pool, cross the small bridge and it's on the right side, could be Dickinson drive. Two beautiful ones are next to the business school. See my March 22 blog. The best one is between Ingrham and Main Hwy in Coconut Grove, on the East side of the road. Several smaller ones on the North side of SW 104th street West of US1.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

great shot.......